Volunteer Opportunities


Imagine doing more than exploring one of the most biodiverse places on Earth…imagine being able to save it?

“The perfect place to learn about the Peruvian part of the Amazon".

Panthera Sanctuary was the perfect place to learn about the Peruvian part of the Amazon. Pierre and Alex (the owners) are such beautiful people, they have so much to teach and they are super curious, always learning new things and telling us about it. It was also great to see how it is to live in tropical conditions and a good place to really see the impact humans have on the environment. It was honestly the best part of my trip in South America.
Gabriellane Hautcoeur

Who are the dedicated individuals behind the project?

Where is the reserve situated in the Amazon Rainforest?

What is our ultimate goal here on the reserve?


Looking to get involved in environmental protection initiatives but don’t have prior experience?

We work with passionate individuals from across the globe, regardless of academic level!

We're more than just a rainforest protection reserve...

We're a small jungle community that supports both international and multicultural exchange 🙂

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