University Credit/Internship Opportunities

We know how important it is for students to find and participate in internships or service-learning activities to help them gain field experience in whatever career path they choose. That’s why here at Panthera Sanctuary we are happy to receive college students and university groups within departments such as biology, environmental conservation, and sustainable agriculture to engage in experiential learning and individual research.

Can I Receive Academic Credit for my Time at the Reserve?

It’s Absolutely Possible! A numerous amount of students within our volunteer and internship programs have been able to successfully receive academic credit for their experience and relevant skills acquired during their time at the reserve. The filling out and submission of evaluation forms (if/when required) is done upon the completion of our programs. Letters of recommendation are also available to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional performance.
The qualifications required for receiving academic credit varies between universities. Consult your academic institution and see if this opportunity can award you the credit you deserve!
Meet Some Students!
Don’t just take our word for it–what do past students have to say about us? Here are just a few of many extraordinary individuals who’ve received university credit for their work at the Sanctuary!

“Because of the many scientific activities I assisted with at Panthera Sanctuary- ranging from mammal/snake/caiman monitoring, patrolling for illegal gold miners and deforestation, creating animal identification guides, learning about terrace farming, birdwatching, to agroforest maintenance and education- I was able to receive 3 internship credits at my university! I would highly recommend taking an incredible travel experience such as volunteering with Panthera Sanctuary and working with your university to receive some sort of academic credit for it”
-Autumn Pearson, Environmental Science, New Mexico State University

“Being able to intern at the Panthera Sanctuary in the Amazon Jungle was an exciting and humbling experience. As a Marine Environmental Science major at SUNY Maritime College, working with the fantastic crew at the site and exploring the rapidly evolving epicenter of biodiversity provided so much on-site experience and made the trip memorable. I’ll never forget those beach days at the end of the week that Alex Rojas used to take us to. Beautiful sand and water, and an ever more beautiful sunset”
-Mustafa Islam, Marine Environmental Science, SUNY Maritime College

“I never thought I could learn so much, in so little time. My 10 weeks volunteering for Panthera were absolutely amazing. I wanted and found a study abroad credit that strayed far from the normal experience. I believe I got just that during my time. I loved and will always cherish the moments of seeing sloths on tree tops, looking for anacondas, and working on various construction projects. I truly learned so much from the incredible staff at Panthera and am very grateful for everything they did for me and do for the Amazon.”
– James Richards, International Studies, Texas A&M University

“I learned a whole range of things while I was in the Panthera Sanctuary. I learned how to use the sun to navigate throughout the jungle, I learned how to use termite nests to create a natural mosquito repellent but most importantly I learned the importance of saving one of Earth’s last remaining biologically diverse places. I will always cherish my experience at the Panthera Sanctuary and I will forever be grateful for the wonderful staff members and volunteers that I had the privilege of meeting there. Thank you Panthera Sanctuary for creating a safe place for hundreds if not thousands of species to sustainably coexist”
-Isaul Villanueva, Marine Environmental Science, SUNY Maritime College